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Grumpy Tonight with guest Lawrence Pasternak
Grumpy Tonight with Guest Lawrence Pasternack
Grumpy Tonight with guest Dr Lawrence Pasternack
Grumpy Tonight with Tamera Stewart and Lawrence Pasternack 2 08 21
Grumpy Tonight with Lawrence Pasternak and Norma Sapp
Grumpy Tonight with Dr.Lawrence Pasternack
Grumpy Tonight with guests Rep Daniel Pae and Dr. Lawrence Pasternack
Uncle Grumpy goes back to the Capitol
Grumpy Tonight with guests Ron Durbin and Lawrence Pasternack
Grumpy tonight with Dr. Lawrence Pasternack and Norma Sapp
Grumpy Tonight with Special Guess Julie Ezell, Norma Sapp and Lawrence Pasternak
Grumpy Tonight With Julie Esell and Lawrence Pasternack